Long Tall Sally

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We know that you care about how the clothes you buy from Long Tall Sally are made. Our commitment is reflected in sourcing our products from a small number of suppliers around the world with whom we have built close working relationships. As a result we have been able to consistently offer our customers quality products that fit tall women. We currently work with manufacturers in the UK, Turkey, India, Sri Lanka, Romania, Macedonia Bulgaria, China and Vietnam.

All of our suppliers explicitly sign up to the Long Tall Sally Responsible Code of Conduct, taking responsibility for ensuring safe, fair, legal and humane working conditions.

The Long Tall Sally Code of Conduct our suppliers sign up to are:

  • Employment is freely chosen.
  • We support the introduction of the Modern Slavery * Act and the UK Government’s commitment to eradicate the abuse and exploitation of workers both in this country and overseas.
  • Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are respected.
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic.
  • Child labour shall not be used.
  • Wages are paid within legal requirements.
  • Working hours not excessive.
  • No discrimination is practiced.
  • Regular employment is provided.
  • No harsh or inhumane treatment is allowed.
  • Activities comply with applicable environment regulations.
  • Management systems to monitor these principles are put in place.

Feather and down products

We require that our suppliers are committed to ensuring a high standard of animal welfare at all stages throughout the supply chain. We have therefore been assured by our suppliers that the feathers and down used in all Long Tall Sally clothes are sourced as a by-product of the food chain.

Angora products

In light of information released about the unacceptable treatment of angora rabbits, we have decided to stop the production of all Angora products.

Modern Slavery Statement for Long Tall Sally

Long Tall Sally is a global retailer including the UK.

Long Tall Sally recognises the responsibility it has, along with its suppliers, to operate in an ethical manner. As part of this responsibility, we acknowledge the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. Therefore, Long Tall Sally is working to ensure that there is sufficient transparency both within the organisation itself, and within its supplier base.

In relation to its suppliers, Long Tall Sally has updated the Service Level Agreements ("SLA") that it has with its major suppliers in order to include a reference requiring compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The update to the SLA also includes a request that our suppliers comply with the Long Tall Sally Code of Conduct and that they complete and sign up to our compliance in relation to this area. Our supplier appraisal process has been updated to take into account what commitment and actions our suppliers are taking to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Long Tall Sally wants its customers to be confident that both Long Tall Sally and its business partners treat their employees fairly, with respect for their human rights.

Long Tall Sally will not work with any organisations that either has or is found to be knowingly involved with either human trafficking or modern slavery.

To download the 2017 signed document please click here

To download the 2018 signed document please click here

Feather and down products

We require that our suppliers are committed to ensuring a high standard of animal welfare at all stages throughout the supply chain. We have therefore been assured by our suppliers that the feathers and down used in all Long Tall Sally clothes are sourced as a by-product of the food chain.